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I split up with my gf about a month ago because she 'wasn't ready for a relationship' which I still don't understand because we'd been going out for 3 months already.


Ive tried really hard to get over her but I jus cant. When she dumped me she said that she just needed to sort her head out and maybe we could try again. This was over a month ago now I im still in love with her and I don't know what to do.


How do I know when it's time? I've spoken to quite a few friends about it and half of them say just go for it and tell her how you feel about her. While the others say just give her time. What should I do?


I understand if she needs time but how long?? There are 1 or 2 mutal friends which have said that she still does like me but just dosent want a bf at the monent.




Btw she lives 9.4 miles away(yes I am that sad) not exactly long distance but enough to mean that we can only see each other at weekends.

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Funny, I'm a little older than you, but women are universal. My ex told me she needed to deal with her "inner space." That was in July. It'snow October, and I've left a couple of messages, no call back. Not sure either. I know this doesn't help, but it's just funny how some things are common, like this.


I do know that when i do talk to her, I'm NOT going to be whiny about it, but I will in a humorous way let her know that I would like to know what went on.

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Yeah, sounds good. Not wanting a BF at the moment is OK, you're kids (sorry, but that's a good thing), so no need to pressure her. That would probably backfire. Just keep doing what your doing, be cool and patient, and when she's ready she'll be there for you.


that's the best i can suggest.

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