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I like this girl (a lot) but i dont know if she likes me back. We've knowen each other for a while and have become kind of friends. I've only asked her out once before but she said that we could only be really good friends But that was about a year or 2 ago and know she has been out with a couple other guys(and broken up with them) and she has started to talk to me a lot more than she used to. She seems to feel a lot more comfortable around me and that is what she does when she likes people. It could be that she is just tring to be more friendly with me though. She also is say things to me that she has never ever said to me before like when someone says something about (bad) me and she is around she says stuff like, "Dont worry i still love you." I really need help and a sugestion on what to do!

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Hi DarkBlitzer,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for advice. I understand that you don't know what exactly her feelings are towards you.


My suggestion to you is actually quite simple. You obviously are talking to that lady already, which makes things a little easier for you. I would start to smile to her a little more often and make her a few compliments. If she says: "I still love you", tell her for example: "aaaaww... you're so sweet, I love you, too" jokingly and see what happens. I am sure that she will start to give you some more signals and then you take it from there.


I hope that this helped you on your way and I wish you good luck in your future.


~ SwingFox ~

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