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how can one achieve self-discipline?

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Hi, how can one achieve self-discipline? I usually acts on impulses and they are legal but got in the way of my life as a student.



Here are a few examples.

I am having difficulty in concentrating on the task at hand. I would often study for a few min and wonder off the websites such as deals sites, news, sport news.


I often would think about certain eater/take out and would go out on my ways to eat.


A few times, I wrestled with the idea about not replying to a colleague's email who had initialed an email which are unproductive. I wrote and deleted numerous times. I had told myself that I wouldn't respond....but I found myself typing up a respond and wanting to let him know my 2 cents.


So, how can I discipline? I don't have time and money to pursue martial art training. I have a yoga mat at my place.

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