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I like this girl at work...

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There is this girl i like at work, we get on really well. I catch her sometimes looking at me and as soon as i look at her she looks away. She smiles at me alot too. We went to a party last weekend together and things were going well until i got too drunk and had to leave. I talked to her for the first time since today and she seemed like it didn't bother her much but later in the day she just seemed to be distracted everytime i talked to her. I don't think that things are all that bad and i want to ask her out to dinner sometime but i'm not really sure that she's still keen.

Should i ask her out now or wait a while first?

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she might be a little doubtful of you over that fact that you got really drunk. sometimes us girls are a little touchy like that. try asking her what she thinks about drinking habits, she might just be surprised at your actions because she may not drink as much as you like to. either way, try to be nice even when you see she is acting distant, because a little charm always goes a long way, and she might get over it before you know it.

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