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I'm an egomaniac


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Yeah, I've realized this for some time now. I'm quite a bit egotistical, I like to be the center of attention, and I have this stupid habit of being "rebellious" sometimes, if it's just for the attention. I always think everybody else is stupider than I am. I can't stop it. Anybody have any ideas on how I could stop being this self-centered?

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Hi, I don't know your age but if you are still in teens you will likely grow out of it, teenagers tend to see themselves as the centre of the universe..lol. If you are more mature, I'd suggest you could try getting involved in voluntary social work of some kind. That is usually a humbling (and rewarding) experience that may give you a better perspective on your place in the world. Don't stress too much though, we are all a bit self-centered when it comes down to it.

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Yeah I was going to say the same thing. There's nothing more rewarding in the world than helping others.


Sounds like you're just in the teenage years... and there's nothing wrong with thinking you're all that, as long as it's not affecting others in a negative way.


If you're young, just enjoy it and be the centre of the universe... after all, aren't we all the centre of our own universe?

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I think that learning to listen to others openly and take people at face value is a big part of maturing. You may be intelligent, but certainly there are areas of life where you have less interest that others may have some interest in, so their conversation may seem pointless to you, but they will get to the point eventually.


Have patience with other people, a lot of what goes for interest now a days is stereotyping and scapegoating of others, so if you hear people doing this, keep in mind that they don't realise how harsh they probably sound.

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My ex was very egotistical and self-fish and... well... he's my ex. He used to always want to be the center of attention when we went out with his friends and he would go out of his way to say mean things to strangers he didn't even know like we were at a very upscale restaurant and he said to one woman "Your dress makes me want to vomit" just to get a laugh out of his friends. And then once we went to a winery with some friends and it was clear one of the wineries was clearly closed to host a wedding. There were hundreds of people outside nicely dress, the bride and groom were in the middle of their marriage ceremony with the pasteur in the front. We had pulled up into the parking lot despite me telling him just to leave right away. Then I told my ex "Well it's clear there's a wedding going on, lets just leave the parking lot before anyone notices and we disturb them all." And then he had the bright idea to CALL the winery from his cell "just to see if they were open for wine tasting." And I got furious with him when we could hear the telephone ring inside the building, the ceremony STOPPED so that someone could run inside to get my ex's phone call and for them to say they're closed for a wedding.


And then he was grumpy that I was furious with him the rest of the day saying that he was right for calling and disrupting the marriage ceremony "just to find out if they were open for tasting". How self-fish and self-centered and egotistical can you get to crash a stranger's wedding??! I was so mad at him.


He just wanted to be the center of attention-- it was hurtful, and completely unnecessary.


He's 32 and never grew out of his egotistical/self-fish ways.


So I'm glad you're wanting to change. I hope you do before you truly hurt and embarrass the people you care about most, and everyone else that might get in the crossfire.

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