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cutting - right or wrong

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i think cutting is a good thing because it does not mean you are suicidal, which everybody thinks when they hear you cut, and its a way to cope with situations, and not to actually commit suicide. i myself am a cutter, not for long, but enough i guess, and i do it to ease the tension and stop the pain on the inside because i have to focus on the outside. it helps alot and i've only told one person i cut and thats becaus ei can trust him and he will not tell anyone. cutting should not be for years but when you o though a time in your life for years at a time, you ned something to cope, and it actually helps alot. non-cutters would not find it healthy and cannot figure out why we do it, but my only advice is that until you try it when your down in the dumps, you will never understand....

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truthfully i don't know. It can go both ways. I used to cut and it helped me at the time but then when i wanted to stop it was really hard for me, i'm like addicted to cutting now and everytime i have a modd swing or feel even a bit sad i have the urge to cut myself and it's not a happy feeling. so yes it helps when you are doing it but afterwords it can be quite a pain and hard to cope with.

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I've been cutting myself for 5 years now and my arms are scarred completely. I've attempted suicide 6 times and im the worse for wear for it.


I think cutting is wrong but i cant seem to stop. I kind of lose control...makes me wonder if i have serious mental problems.

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I cut. I haven't in about a month because my depression prescription is working and I haven't been very depressed. There aren't many people that know I cut, and if they do, they only try to help me. I cut because when I am depressed and feeling too much emotional pain, the physical pain relieves it. My one friend told me that it would be best if I didn't cut at all, but its better that I cut then try to commit suicide which the emotional pain would lead to. I had tried to commit suicide 14 times in less than 3 weeks, and I personally think it's better that I cut to rid the pain, then commit suicide.


I believe in it, but then I don't. I have a friend who cuts to get attention, and she acts like she is extremely depressed with her life, when we all know she's not. She has no symptons of it and she is happy and laughing all the time. I don't know what to expect from her, and I think in that case, it is bad to cut.

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Your friend might really have a problem.


I acted happy all the time, never complained about being abused, never cried, went out of my way to make people happy...


no one could tell I was unhappy, except maybe for my suddenly sinking grades, but everyone just accused me of playing too much.


...like right now.


well, i know one of my friend cuts for attention though. She does have a very harsh life, and I can believe that she's having a hard time dealing with it. However, sometimes she'd cut somewhere she knows we can see, or cut a really long line then wear short sleeves or sleeveless shirts, then purposely putting her arm on the table and pretend nothing happened, waiting for us to ask about her new scar.


... sometimes I debate on whether I should give her that attention.

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I didnt cut to do it ot of attention.i cut just because of the situation its like i had no control and my emotion and mental pain was so high its like my brain told me to cut to get that emotional pain out of my mind.I cut at y arm and wrist like heck and it did not hurt one bit it scared me lately whenever i look at knifes i have the strange feeling to want to cut but i havent yet.

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I can't say it is wrong because I'm a cutter myself. I do it to release the pain I'm in. Sometimes my emotional pain becomes so horrible that I have to experience physical pain. If that makes sense? Some days I feel it's wrong and other times I feel like if this is what is going to prevent me from killing myself then it's better than suicide.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i cut for the same reasons mymelancholysoul does.


i started when i was 11 (im now 14) and before that i had thought about it but was like how could you do that, doesnt it hurt etc and couldnt see how people could do that. and then i did cut myself and i understood it, so you have to cut to understand it completely, get it?

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In my view, cutting isnt wrong, its just another way to take out pain and anger..

Anger, sadness, and deperession are essensially the same thing, they are just different ways of taking out the same pain, either through anger at another person/object, or taking it out on yourself.

And yes, i have cut, and do do it every so often, its just when too much anger or depression builds up, i do not have an aggressive personality towards others, although i do have one towards myself, i cut myself, punch walls, punch my own arm.. and ive gotten many marks and bruises through it.

But another thing is that i am not scared of death.. if one day the blade goes too deep and cuts an artery in my wrist, then it happens. I cycle every day to uni, and almost get run over more times than i can count, but again, if it happens, then it happens, and thats it, i used to be suicidal, but never really carried it out due to the pain that it would cause my family (they dont know about the cutting, or my feelings towards my life).

I am not religious in any way, i believe that when you die, you just die, you get burried, and rot in the ground, your mind doesnt "escape to a better place", or go to a eternal fury if you were bad during life, the mind is just the creation of the brain, and it dies along with the brain.

A friend of mine, used to cut, she used to be really depressed, then one day tried to OD, but it didnt work, and her parents found her suicide note.. after that, she was fine, then started smoking, and drinking (occationally).

I dont see cutting as an addictive thing (i may be wrong, as i dont do it as much as some others who have posted here), but the addiction may be caused due to the psycological link to the cutting.. due to believing that cutting is the only way that they feel alive (im not saying its not, some people trully feel that, but that link, could be what causes the addiction, as their mind believes that they have to keep doing it to stay alive, otherwise they lose control of themselves, feeling nothing)


So yes, cutting is so wrong, but like everything else, it can become both dangerous and addictive if it's either done too much, or put to too much importance, it shouldnt be the most important thing of the day/life of someone, its something to take out the pain, nothing more.


(All personal thoughts, feel free to comment/shout at me if you believe any of it is trully wrong/stupid, it probably is )




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  • 1 month later...

Cutting is right when it is done to cope. Cutting is just another way for people to cope, and if it is wrong, then so is seeking therapy or support from friends/family. The chances of slipping a bit and killing yourself or whatever insanely obscure proposition you people put forth is about the same chance as with a friend rejecting you entirely or desecrating you when you seek support from them.


If cutting is wrong because it is damaging to yourself, then seeking support from friends/family/therapy is wrong because is is damaging to them. Maybe not physically damaging, but if you understand self-injury itself then you understand this concept.



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yea, but there is that chance of really hurting yourself. cutting too deep, getting around your wrists, etc. you CAN die and you CAN really hurt yourself. hopefully you're safe, but still, it is dangerous. there are better ways to cope..exercising, walking, reading, writing, talking, breathing deep, relaxing, sleep, vitamins (b6, b12, etc.), hitting pillows, etc. you can get over it, just try. i've been there..pleae check out this site


take care

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Galrok, i agree with what you say.. seeking the help of another can hurt them quite a bit, especially if their just not prepared for what you have to say to them.

Talking can help, but you must just make sure you talk to the right person, usually someone who has gone through something similar to yourself is the one which would understand the most, and would be able to handle the situation most.

But then again, your never sure whether they will be stable enough to give out advice. .what you tell them might bring back bad memories, etc.. According to all the websites about self harm, most of the posts which people post and such, you should go see a therapist. Now if your looking for help, that might be a good idea.. just make sure that the therapist (or GP (doctor)), promises to keep what you tell them confidential.. as depending on your age, they might try and contact your relatives with this information. The good thing about therapists, is that they get training for these things, also its not someone you know, so you can talk to them, and it wont hurt them, as they do not know you, you are just a client to them. Of course, the bad side could be the price, but like everything in this life.. things come at a price.


Self harm is like anything in life.. done every so often, its not bad for you, it can help, but do it too much, and you might get addicted (eg: smoking, alcohol, drugs..). So just stay sensible about how much you do it, if it helps you stabilise your feelings when you do it, then its fine.. if you just do it because its just something you _need_ to do, then it might become addicting.


Oh, and as scary as thisisnotanexit makes it sound.. cutting in the wrist area is not as dangerous as he makes it sound.. its the only place i've ever cut, and even when it went deep, all it did was bring up blood, you would have to go stupidly deep to cut an artery, and even if you did.. so what.. it'll take the pain away for good, not such a bad thing. (my view anyway..)




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