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stupid question... need advice


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I feel really embarrassed for asking this, but my parents would get really paranoid if I asked them not to mention my own probs w/ them. So i figured this way i could do it anon...


what's the best place to buy a condom? like the easiest, no muss no fuss way, so you dont get to the counter the lady says on the intercom "price check on the rubbers". where does everyone else get them?


also, i have an uncircumsized penis, so does that take into any effect when buying condoms?


thnxs in advance for the help!

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Dude, I used to work in a supermarket.....no one there behind the counter is going to do that....in fact most will be extra careful not to make a big deal out of it, because if they do, and you complain, they're screwed. Honestly, a supermarket is the best way to go.


If you're worried about being seen, go to one away from where you live and go during a quiet time.

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well....go to a drugstore or pharmacy...

Wen you are at the super market hold to box with your whole hand, don't let anyone read the letters!


And on the pharmacy...dispose the brown bag!

When I see people with a brown bag...I think...alcohol if they are like old man, and if they are young...condoms, BC, lube, etc....

so get rid of the bag when you walk out...go inside with your backback, and tell the lady/guy you don't need a bag, and stuff the goods in your backpack...good luck.


and if you are lazy got to link removed

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I would go to a pharmacy believe me they wont make it into a big deal. I would much rater buy condoms then a pregnancy test.


What ever you do keep them out of your wallet.


I don't think any one answered your other question about the uncircumcised penis it takes the same condom

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Wal mart or CVS or anywhere that sells them. Just buy the biggest box and stand proud as you march through the checkout. Everyone uses them, so just look like the guy who gets the most.


Being uncircumsized you just pull the skin back to expose the head and put the condom on, just like if you were circumsized. There isn't a different condom for those of us who are uncircumsized.

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