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Still Not Divorced!


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So a while ago I made some posts my situation with my husband. We were separated for a long while and then he asked if he could return home and move in temporarily. Well temporary turned into 1 year. I have suggested more counseling but at this point I am fed up with everything. I just feel like I am way better alone. I am not sure what to do or how to do it but I know it must be done. I've let years past by in the same rut. I feel horrible and I feel like no one will ever want me but him. Since he has moved in my kids have been disrespectful to me, he has spit in my food etc. I am just not sure why I continue to put up with this. I am at a breaking point. I don't want to put him out on the street but I am considering it at this point.





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You're not the bad person. You took him in for a long time. It sounds like he's taking advantage of you. Even if he makes you out to be the bad person you're not. You took him in and he disrespects you in your own home. You've let him stay a year and you care about your kids. You are a great person and he doesn't deserve your hospitality if he isn't even fixing himself or working things out with you. He sounds like a huge weight on your life.


Sometimes its better to be single then to hang onto a person who just won't change (for you). It doesn't matter if he's a "great" father. The spitting in food is disgusting and you need to think hard about what this guy really is doing for you. It's better to be single and leave a space in your life for a man that will care. As long as this guy stays you could be ruining the opportunity to find someone nice for yourself.

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