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I never knew what real, mutual love was, until I met my husband.

scared and alone

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It has, apparently, always been one sided. Even if someone THOUGHT they loved me, turns out it wasn't real, for them. But it wasn't until I got into a relationship with my husband, I realized what a REAL relationship and love felt like. We have our ups and downs and I realized, you know it is REAL love when, the honeymoon/infatuation/obsessed part has passed (your rose colored glasses are finally off) and you STILL like and love each other and couldn't imagine life without each other. No matter how much you may be annoyed with each other and want to kill each other, at the end of the day, if you still cant imagine being with anyone else and your life without them, that to me, is how I know I really LOVE him. I love being in REAL love and I couldn't imagine being without it now. We may not be perfect, but we genuinely love each other and that is the best kind of love. It so beats infatuated/unrequited love. I'm just finally happy that I found REAL love. Not the kind I fantasized about in my head with crushes. Finding someone that loves you for you and never gives up on you and always does anything they can for you. I love the fact that I can say, almost 7 years later, I am even more in love with my husband than I was when I first fell for him. That is amazing to me. I love that when i'm away from him (and i have to be a few days each week), I miss him like crazy and can't wait to see him again. And even to this day, we still have cute little jokes with each other and love to cuddle and talk cute. I'm sorry, I don't mean to make this cheesy post, it's just, for the first time in my life, I finally have and realize what REAL MATURE love is. Not just puppy love. But the kind that even when you are annoyed with each other, you don't want to break up, you want to work it out and make it through it and still be together.

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Aww! Like I said, our relationship is NOT perfect, far from, but, we do love each other. And you have to be NICE to each other and take care of each other. But, DO NOT give up. I was only 20 when I met him and I was just so giving up. What you honestly need to do, is DON'T look. I never understood that until I just, stopped caring and was even fine and happy being single and then BAM I met him. lol And just trust and believe you WILL find someone, GREAT. Keep that hope! Believe me, I have NEVER been the girl lucky enough to find someone, so that is why it took me by TOTAL surprise when I met him. He was the FIRST guy to NEVER give up on me or want to let me go. And also, take chances. How I met him, if I never too the chance, I would NEVER have met him. I just had this weird thought in my head that if I didn't take this chance that I might miss out on something, and was I right!

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