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after a 4 year LDR that ended sadly i dont think i could do another one........

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Question for those who had one and it failed would you do another one? i would not, i could not, and I can not. met a really great guy but im moving to NC in 6 weeks so i told him im glad and flatter but no thanks. he made some promises wont bore you with details but i reply in the most automatic voice and said "I have come to learn that promises can and are meant to be broken. They are like some badly written contracts with too many clauses." i try to jk a bit about it but i was serious. Now i wasn't being negative but i just wont put myself though that again you know what they say the meaning of insanity is..........anyway hes' hurt Im sad he hurts but im not budging and i was honest and upfront (new thing for me cause i normal just run) either way until i get settle in my new place and area ill stay on the sidewalks for now.


who else feels this way?

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Sounds like your jaded, same as me. All it takes is one bad experience, or in my case, several, to make you wonder if relationships are even worth it. Of course, I've never done the long distance thing, though that has been a possibility in the past. Just doesn't seem worth the effort.

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My LDR went for almost 3 years before it ended, and I really don't think I could do another one. Maybe if I were with someone in the same area for awhile, and one of us had to move away for whatever reason for a determined period of time I could do it. But my LDR was always long distance- we broke up before we ended the distance- and I really couldn't do another of those. There was just way too much uncertainty. Once I caught him lying about one thing, even though it was only minor, I found it hard to 100% believe him after that- there was always just that little bit of doubt. All relationships need total trust- particularly in an LDR.

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PS - Nickname


I have only just understood your name, I thought it was perhaps your 2 initial letters followed by your last name which was, in my mind, "Rohnos"! :stupid:


I had an LDR which became not so for about a year, went back to LDR for a few months, when we returned to living in the same area he ended our relationship stating "I've become used to life without you around" as one of the reasons. Ha! Bet he wasn't so used to life completely without me, have a nice dose of NC!! mwahahaha!


And no, I won't be doing the same again if I can legitimately help it. I think there was a lot more pressure on the relationship and that it made me prioritise time with him over the rest of my life because time with him was such a gift. Not.

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LaKings55 i suppose you're right about the jaded part. @ Rohnos my last year was as well. and to the rest i feel you whole heartily on every single note. Since iv been single dating has it perks when your close to home because you can decide who and whom you not going to call tomorrow lol. so no wasted time on both sides. a win win for both parties.


The problem with dating LD is you never get to see that other person many othersides and the other way around till it too late in the game. The weirdness of it all was i met a guy who was very much like my ex in every way the way he spoke, same gestures, same birthday date. same chuckle was just creepy. (was like some reincarnation decided we made good friends and nothing more. This made me wonder if i had met my ex as close in the beginning would i have ended it a long time ago?..................

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