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My life is messed up.....plz help

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My life is so messed up right now its not funny. My parents got divorced and both remarried, then i was forced to move and change schools. My life has not been the easiet of them all. I've been to counseling, but it hasn't helped at all. If anyone has any of these kind of problems, please let me know and tell me how you handled it because i really need some help

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well, i havnt been through that, so i cant say i know how you feel, but you need to stay strong, make new friends, try to keep your mind off of your problems, go out, watch a movie, but find someone, a good friend that you can associate with, and tell your problems too, that helps. i hope i was some help..

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I really know what you're going through..When i was about 14, my mom and dad split up ..and i lived with my mom.she then started dating a guy(mark), and that guy happens to be my father's friend..and every time my dad has his friends over..I'd kinda see a spark between him and my mom..I know i should have said something but i didn't want to ruin their relationship ..the thing is i had a crush on mark's son(Ryan)..and we go to school together..we were actually kinda dating ..then after a few months passed..my mom and mark decided they wanted to get married..which meant my crush was gonna be somewhat of a brother to me ..then after about a month they called off the wedding and decided they needed more time before they got married..during this time..me Ryan were driving around..then i saw my dad kissing my mom's sister..then two kids came running out and kept yelling "mommy, daddy" at my aunt and my dad..and these kids were about 9 and my parents have been on and off for 18 years ..Later when i told my mom, she almost had a heart attack but mark was there for her and turned out to be a pretty cool guy ..what I'm saying is always believethat everything happens for a reason, my dad was with my mom's sister, and my mom was with my dad's exfriend.."an eye for an eye", but if my mom and dad had stayed together, i wouldn't have gotten accepted to this awesome university(since mark got it for me) 8) , whenever you feel like everything is messed up and you feel like it can't get worse and that nothing good can come out of it..you are actually on the start of going somewhere .."If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain"..just believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason..and you'll get through this then realize that it worked for your benefit..


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