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it feels like everyones getting her but me

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ok this girl took a break to figure out how she feels about me. and now shes dating another guy and is going to be friends with benefits with a girl. everyone is getting to be with her but me. we are going to be best friends we work to well to do no contact. i dont know how to cope. i really dont. i love this girl and she thinks she does love me too but i think shes just afraid cause shes so young. help how in the hell am i supposed to deal with this!

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She's dating another guy and fooling around with another girl after she told you she needed to take a break? it seems to me that she was just trying to politely break up with u perminently. She obviously isn't waiting around to figure herself out. So stop waiting around pining for a girl that seems to be putting out to everyone but you. i mean, she has a new bf, i doubt shes going to dump him for you. the best thing you can do for yourself is to move on, find a new girl... dont let her vauge promises keep you in chains. live up the single life, or go find someone new. just live life a little, God knows she is.

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Dude i noe your situation it happened 2 me 2wice around 2 months ago so sadly i waited for nothing i noe its hard but you have to move on i noe you may not want to but its pointless waiting, i look back on it now and think im an idiot for waiting and now i begin 2 h8 the 2 girls that did it 2 me, so if you want to salvage a friendship put of it den do yaself a favor and move on now

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she says she is going to dump him for me. things were getting kind of seriouse and she got kind of scared because we are 15. she says she wants to have some fun before she ends up with me because she knows she will and she knows it will be for a long time. this is hurting so much that i almost want to go do this to her though. but i dont want any other girls. yes she is living a little but well we are going to get really seriouse and i guess iv jsut got to live with this for now. i could break her up with him and have her come back to me as soon as i want but i think is hould let her take her own time with this. see exactly how much heartache i can take b4 i fall out of love. it feels like she almost wants me to stop loving her. am i jsut being played here?

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Dude, you are being played in my opinion. A girl who says she loves you as much as she claims to yet still needs to go looking elsewhere, isn't interested in a committed relationship, she's interested in sex.


She's basically keeping you on the side so she can have her cake and eat it too...another possibiolity is she could be using you as a "safety net" so tyo speak....saying what you want to hear to keep you around, so if all else fails, she has something (you) to fall back on....sorta like a backup plan.


I could be completely wrong, but that is how the whole situation appears from my perspective.

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