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she is in my class-but sit across from me


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well yesterday was the 2nd day of class and i found out the girl that likes me and i grow to like her is in one of my classes, but the thing with yesterday is i came in 2 minutes late and everybody already gotten their seats, i got a seat at the opposite side of hers.what i am asking is should i sit next to her next class or not-if i sit next to her in class she might think i am desperate and all, but with sitting next to her in class ables me to talk to her about our last class we had in the summer -eng lit-like how did u do in the class, what did u think of the final......

i am kinda of scared since last class she was sitting next to a guy and he is kinda good looking-what happens if he chit chats with her and ask her out before i do and flirts with her .

after class i was about to talk to her about how she did on the eng lit course we had in the summer but when the teacher said this class is over-she got up and left before i did and i was in the last row of 4 seats i followed her but she went into the girls washroom-i didn't wait for her to come out of the washroom as i felt it would have been to stalker like. as she got out she was on her cell and out the door so i didn;t bother chit chattin . any advice i am kinda scared to talk to her and thinkin about askin for a study date and lunch afterwards.

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Listen, I also had the same story. a girl was in my class, she was also attracted to her. But know i have lost her for ever because of few mistakes. Let me tell u it in detail. Firstly, u should make ur friendship strong and long. Sometimesd flirt with her, tease her too(in a joking manner) or else she will in airs. Compliment her sometimes. Get her number and talk to her. But never ever propose her or tell her that u love her until and unless u both know each other well. See, I told her that i loved her after few days of talking only and that is why i lost her. so let ur relationship mature. BEST OF LUCK!!!

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btw really sure if she like me but have caught her glancing at me a couple of times, is this a good sign? never really talked to her-but once outside of class said- "so which courses have u signed up for in sept" and we talked about which courses she already took and i am taking. the whole converation was like 30 sec but she did respond by asking me how i was doing in our class we were taking and agreeing with me that she like the same story that i do-stories we had to read for eng lit.

so does she like me what should i do

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Baby, i got the same experiences. I also caught my girl glancing at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back to me. We both just smiled at each other but never talked. But one fine day, she came to me and talked to me on her own. That was the beginning.


She likes u for sure because she is giving importance to you. Smile at her. U just talk to her. Talk about her, her family etc. show her ur loving side. Impress her. But just don't lose ur self respect. So u should get her number and call her. But just don't ask her directly. Ask iot from hers friend or anybody else who knows her. Call her. Talk to her and make a strong bond of love b/w u both.

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