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how does online dating work ............?

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You meet someone online, exchange emails, IMs and phone calls till your comfortable with them, then go out on a date with them. Its a simple way to meet people instead of having to go to the bar and club seen and do it in person. Its effective but I think you really miss out on some of the fun points of dating.

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To an extent I think DopeStar is right. I met my partner through online dating so I know it works but I think there is one mistake that most people make with it (including me to begin with).


Most people spend weeks, sometimes even months chatting over internet of via email or on the phone before they meet. I think this usually results in people building up completely false expectations about the other party, not to mention that by the time they meet face to face they know just about everything that is interesting about each other.


I'd recommend that if you find someone you think you might like, don't chat for hours over a number of weeks, have a couple of short chats by whatever medium and then arrange to meet as soon as possible.


Remember to always make the first couple of meetings in a public place, don't give out your address or too many details about yourself until after you have met a couple of times and are feeling comfortable with the situation, always tell someone else what you are doing. Most people you meet online are normal great people looking for love. Unfortunately you have to be aware that there are some weirdos out there too.

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Im not saying that online dating is wrong Ive tried it, sorta, I refuse to pay the sites to use there email system but thats another issue. Ive gotten hits from girls that are interested but I dont want to spend time online chatting it up, Id rather be face to face with the person.

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I think the biggest problem with online dating is when two people are convinced they're in love before they've even met. I don't think that's possible, personally.


But I met my guy online--though it was related to a business venture, and not with the intention of becoming involved. We were friends first, and continued our friendship in real life. So by the time we became romantic (nearly two years later), we had a solid history of real-life relating under our belt.


Prior to him, I just did not get people who met mates online. I have friends who "fell in love" before meeting the other person and ended up severely disappointed--crushed even, since they went from one extreme emotion to the other pretty quickly after seeing their "true love" in the flesh.


But I have two male cousins who met wives through link removed. One just had his first child. And although my story didn't begin as an online romance, it sure worked out that way!


I found a gem.

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I would have to agree about not emailing etc. for weeks or months or whatever. Its better to just use it as a medium to meet people another way. Just email a couple of times, then call and meet quickly. That way you can create all the other relationship problems that much more quickly! (lol)

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