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Well...i need help

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im only 13 and its not like i plan on kissing neone for a while (shows how much of a loser i am lol) but when the time comes, if it does, i just wanted to be prepared. It looks easy in the movies and all but...i just dont get how to do it like waht would i do waht is it like etc. also if neone has ne help with like socializing or w/e please pm me or something lol any input would be welcome. Thanks

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ok this is from a long time pro. just do what you feel is rigth and you shouldn't be so hard on your self you are not a loser. i was your age once but then aging i lost my virginty at 12 lol yes you are talking to the big mac dady of the soulth lol . just do what make.s you feel good can't go wrong with that. 8)

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