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Caught between Friends?!


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I am caught in the middle of my two friends. All three of us are mutual friends, but I have questions I want to talk to friend "A" pertaining to friend "B". I am worried that it'll get back to friend "B" and there will crazy drama. Even on a normal basis I am always worried about saying the wrong thing to "A" or "B" and then both will be mad at me somehow. This is all very childish and i makes me feel like I am back in highschool. Any suggestions?

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Lol. Sorry if I confused anyone. I guess it is a bit crazy. I have two mutual friends who are friends with each other as well. SO it's like a friend triangle. I want to talk to one friend(A) about what she thinks of our other mutual friend(B) and stuff like that, but I am worried it will get back to out other friend(B). Stuff like that. Not just one topic but a whole bunch of things. Now I have even confused myself.

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