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Question about an ankle sprain??-any advice appreciated

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I was just wondering if there's anyone here that has any experience with sprained ankles because I'm having a pretty rough time and I need some opinions. I was running on Wednesday but I guess the road was a bit broken up or uneven or something but I went over on the outside of my ankle. It really really hurt for about 5 minutes or so but it eventually subsided, and I was able to walk back home without too much discomfort. Later on that night it really began to hurt again, I didn't even have to touch it or move it. The next morning it wasn't as painful, but really swollen.


I noticed that when I sat on the ground with my leg straight out, and I pushed on my heel so that there was pressure on the back of it... my ankle felt like it was going to crack. It's a very strange feeling and you can actually see the top of my ankle moving right by where my foot attatches, it almost looks like my foot is coming away from my ankle. Also, when I do this the ankle bone on the outside of my leg looks like it kind of moves inward and it gets to the point that I feel I need to crack it.


It feels like there is something out of place that just needs to be popped back i but I haven't done it because I'm scared of what will happen. I went to my doctor today and he said that it was sprained and I showed him this whole 'popping out' thing and he just kind of ignored it, and never said if it was a normal thing or not. He said it probably just felt funny because of the swelling, but as far as I know swelling shouldn't make your bones pop out of place. The doctor sent me to the hospital for x-rays where they determined that nothing was broken, and told me to go home.


So I then went to the chiropractor to see if he could maybe put it back into place because it feels very odd. I've sprained my ankle before but I've never had this happen. The chiropractor made a few adjustments but I still have the shifting and the feeling that it needs to crack. It's very uncomfortable... not painful but it just feels really weird... as though I have to be very careful when walking or my foot will break off or something! lol I've been icing the swelling but it doesn't make a difference with this other problem.


If anyone has any comments or advice or any thing at all I would be really appreciative as I'm beginning to get very frustrated. Sorry about the length....thanks a million!


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You have been to seen 2 professionals already plus had an x-ray done. If there was something out of place then it would have shown up on the x-ray.


I suggest that you wait a few days and keep the foot relaxed, if after those few days you still feel that something is wrong then go back to the chiropractor.


The chances are that it is nothing major and the feeling may go as the swelling dies down.


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The fact your doctor 'ignored' what you said about it popping in and out should have told you that it's normal. A doctor isn't going to ignore something wrong. Lots of people have bones that pop out of joint. My pinky finger, for example, pops in and out of joint each time I bend it. It's just how I'm made.


Even so, I'd trust a medical professional before I would trust some unknown person on the internet. If you hadn't been to the doctor, I'd tell you to go; but, you have been. And, as abcd said, two professionals have told you it will be fine. Trust in those professionals who are more knowledgable than yourself and expect that your ankle will be fine in a few days.

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Man, sprained ankles are a... I think you get the picture... I get them all the time! Between track and taekwondo, I just don't know... Personally, I don't really "treat" my injuries, but the best thing you could do to it is ice it... And don't try to do too much on it... But it should be fine, two specialists have said it woud be, trust their judgement, it's the best out there...

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