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should i or shouldn't i that is the question?!?!?!?!

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my ex dumped me on monday and i wanna email him tomorrrow to tell him my feelings.my best friend said it would b ok but i dunno.so if i should what should i put in the email and if not or why not. i m not lookin for a response or a postive one.i think he still has feelings for me since we broke up cuz we never saw each other and right now i miss him and i m gonna miss him even more when i leave tomorrow for a few days.so plz help me!!!!!!!! [-o

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I have a little different perspective.. There is nothing wrong with telling him how you feel, but make it short. Don't draw out the email because it will only make you sound like a co-dependant, desperate fool. Just keep it short, say you're going away for a few days, wanted to just drop a note to say hello, how you were doing.. You can breifly mention that you are missing him, and maybe when your return from your trip, you could get together for an evening to catch up.


The message you want to leave him is that you are thinking of him, love him-- but are concerned with how he's doing in a light-hearted way.. Remember-- keep it short, concise--- and to the point. You want to peak his interest so the ball is in his court-- not give away your entire play.

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Also, if you send any guy a letter or an email, there is the possibility that he could show it to someone. Would that bother you? If so, the thing to do is have an in person chat. That way you can pick up on visual cues if he's really not into you anymore and simply cut anything you say short. It is important that you don't look like you are chasing him around.

But I'd say talking to him directly is the only option that has any chance of success.

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