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Too predictable. How to become more interesting and not too ignorant

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I drew a conclusion that I became too predictable to him. That means "not interesting any more". I decided so because we had LDR now and no matter that he said he will wait for me as long as it can be (the soonest our meeting is in 1,5 month). BUT. It seems that:


* I'm the only one writing him first (even if I don't get any message in a day)

* All his replies are extremely short (yes, no, maybe, I'm at the meeting, ok, good night, love you).

* No matter if I write some question in my message he replies something, but not connected to my question.

* He writes "Love you" so many times as a reply that it already sounds fake and not sincere to me.


What should I do to get his attention back and to show that I can still be interesting like I was? I tried NC method for a day and late at night he called me and said "I'm calling cause I want to hear your voice". But at that time I was so depressed that he found out that I had this bad mood and when I told my worries, he always say these things:


- You're overreacting

- You're over-analyzing

- Leave it to me, don't interfere (if I ask about something concrete)

- You have so much insecurities now that I don't even understand where do they come from?!


Ok, my question is not if a guy is a looser or not. My question is - how should I behave like to become more interesting and not look like ignorant?

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