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is she interested in me or not

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hello. iv knowen this girl for abot a year. we go to the same school and i talk with her alot. iv helped her with many of her issues she is dealing with and such and thats how we have become good firends. well i found out today a firend of mine is trying to hook me up with girls at my school. i overhead him ask the girl i ike, she said, she would date me but shes so busy right now. what does that mean? we make eye contact but we dont talk at school. we talk a lot on the internet though.

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I think she does like you... I went out with one girl once like that... Sadly, it didn't work out... But anyways, I think she likes you, she's willing to go out with you when she's not as busy, and that of course, means making a friendship more sentual... So, unless she's like my crackhead female friends, (and I'm just playing you guys), then she probably does like you...

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Ok, if a girl says she is too busy to go out with you, 90% of the time it is an excuse because she doesnt want to be with you. The only way you are going to find out is: to ask her. Sounds like it would be more comfortable for you if you asked her over the internet.

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