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i dont cut but my friends do............. and i dont like it

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hello yes it may seem that way . that they do not care about who they hurt . becuse most of the time we all don't get the big pic . in are time's of great need we sometimes find our selfs alone . how can you tell the one's that love you that you cut . some may even feel ashamed . i know alot of pepole just say its done for a kind of sick game or something like that . how ever this pepole really do have vary real problems . and they need help . some times its done out of no reson at all . only becuse one start's to like the pain. like a high . the best thing i think you should do is be there as a friend and let them know that watching them hurt them selfs is hurting you as well . there's nothing wrong with getting help . there is something wrong when you do nothing at all . thats just what i migth say to them . but this isn't about me it's about you do what you think is best .

i hope this bring's you something my thougth's are with you thow



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Many cutters know that what they are doing is effecting the people around them. Its not that they don't care about you or anyone elses feelings, its just that this is their copeing mechanism. They punish themselves because they feel emense hurt from the rest of the world. A good percent feel ashamed that they cut and that makes them more inclined to continue because cutting has become their only way to cope with their surroundings. It isn't fair to ask someone to stop for you because they have to do it for themselves. Try to help your friends see that the cutting isn't the right way to cope and there are other ways to alleviate stress. Help them to help you. Remember dear, that they still love you, but your friends are having trouble knowing how to deal with problems any other way. Cutting, like an eating disorder, soon becomes a way of life. Both are destructive and both can cause lasting problems. After awhile, the cutting becomes something more than a few slits, it becomes a need. Cutting can produce a form of high or rush that many people get out of drugs. Will I get caught? Is this too deep? Questions flood the mind and they start to lose control over their actions. Cutting isn't just a physical thing; it is psychologicaland emotional too. I have been a cutter for over four years and I a may not speak for everyone, but I know I share the feelings of many of my fellow cutters. It is an addiction and we are fighting a loosing battle. Please, try and talk to your friends about their cutting. Let them know how you feel and let them know you are there for them. Let talking to you become their new copeing mechanism. Hold on darlin, there are clearer skies ahead. I am available on PM, AIM, EMAIL, and MSN if you would like to talk again.


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Well,i dont think your friends are uncaring,i just think they have no other way to cope.Maybe they have emotional problems and cutting is there way out.I think you should talk to your friends.Explain to them your concerns.I am sure they will take it into consideration.Good luck and if you ever need to talk feel free to PM IM or email me.



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Hey dude it's me Joe... Look man, it's not that they don't care, I know that... But i_hate_the_world47, we have told them, and, hopefully / possibly until recently, they won't listen... And I, personally, have tutored, and been calm while talking to them the whole time, giving my advice, until I've turned blue in the face... And, one of them even hated me for it, I was "telling them what to do"... (And this was after they felt that no one cared about them, can you say, "Mood Swings?")... But, I also pose this same request here, because I have no other source of actions to take... Please, someone give me the best advice... Thank you...

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okay im going to try to phrase this as politely as possible, the way your friends choose to deal with there problems is there business not yours i understand you may be worried but when my friends try to get me to quit i just want to do it even morenow if they start doing it TOO bad like deep wrist slices then get them to your local therapist, but if its just cutting, not suicide attempts then i personally think you should let it be and let them quit on thier own, hmm that still didnt come out too polite but yeah thats my oppinion if you have any questions IM me

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hey...look im sry but i really need help about 5 minutes i go i cut...and about 3 hours ago and they are really noticible....omg i really need help but i dont want it from a profetional...i dont want my parents to think nething and i dont want to be on anti-depressants...i no this has nothing to do with this topic but you know sumthin is rong with my computer...so it wont let me do another topic for sum strange reason but neways...it wasnt my first time cutting but i want it to be my last...so i beg of you sooo much could you please help me...and could you talk to me on aim...b/c i want to stop...without getting caught...thanx.

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hey...look im sry but i really need help about 5 minutes i go i cut...and about 3 hours ago and they are really noticible....omg i really need help but i dont want it from a profetional...i dont want my parents to think nething and i dont want to be on anti-depressants...i no this has nothing to do with this topic but you know sumthin is rong with my computer...so it wont let me do another topic for sum strange reason but neways...it wasnt my first time cutting but i want it to be my last...so i beg of you sooo much could you please help me...and could you talk to me on aim...b/c i want to stop...without getting caught...thanx.


I will gladly help you, but you can't call me a "b*star* that needs to mind his own G*d d***** business", like you did last time... I've been afraid to approache the subject with you since then... Please don't shove being a friend down my throat like you did last time... And I will...

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hey ash...i know you dont wanna hear this from me but i love you so much! and i wanna talk to you about this...i dont want you to hurt anymore and im here for you to talk to...ALWAYS! i know i can always count on you...and i hope you know that you can always count on me...so if you want my help...i'll help you...and if you dont then thats okay but im still here for you incase you need someone to talk to...I LOVE YOU! your the best!

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I use to be a 'cutter' and I knew it hurt some people around me, but I couldn't stop it. We do care, though. Now, I realize it hurt more people then I knew at the time...and I tried to keep it a secret most of the time. But don't treat them differently, or act like they're bad people because of this, it's an addiction...something that isn't easy to just quit.



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jsphsl4204...i no you love to help...but i dont want ppl to get mad at me like you and trey...at ALL...and no offence...but i wanted help from sumone who cuts and is stoping...or has stoped after doing it for a while...because i feel like they have experiance...ok well thanx.


Um, hello? I wasn't mad at all... And I did used to cut... Think of some other excuses, of which would have sutied what you claim to have been "not me"...

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