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Determining your skin tone, not sure wat i am.

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I just ordered this light coverup for my face beacuse for some reason a started to brake out more lately. I got fed up and just ordered the foundation. Kind of shamed that i did because im a guy and i never thoughtit would get this seriouse



I ordered the foundation in "light" skin tone. Im thinking i got the right one, but then my dad thought i should get medium instead. How can i tell what tone i am? There is fair, light, meduim, tan, and dark. Im european and i think im light but im just not sure. Whats the difference between fair, light, and etc...

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there are a lot of other products you can get to remove the break outs and you'll be break out free for a long time... But watch out because some soaps actually cause them...well what i would do is look at pictures of people online...or go to some websites.. i dont know if this will help you at all but here you go this has to do with skin colors and tones...


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but anyway, if anything just try some of them....if you know you have light skin then get like or get medium....Dont they have some kind of gaurentee or anything?

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most fashion magazines will offer help in choosing skin tones.. there are two types: blue and yellow undertones. blue is usually found in pale people, and people who burn easily...think blue eyes and light skin (nicole kidman) yellow is usually found in olive skins (jennifer lopez) that's the first step...in terms of lightness, usually it's just trial and error. try a few diff. colors in the make up section...basically, put a small stripe near your jaw and then go into natural light...store lighting is awful. you should be able to figure it out, more or less with three testers. not to mention, different brands often cater to certain skin tones...

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