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so i was here bored one day and thought that i would check out a sight my friend was telling me about. i did and it was fun for a bit but i never thought i would meet someone i liked, i did. anyway, he said he liked me too and was interested in meeting me and chatting on msn. problem is,

he never seems to be online when i'm online and once when i emailed him, asking him to tell me when he's online so we can chat and he never replys. then i forget about him because i don't really care that much and boom i get an email saying "where you been" it all starts all over again by him saying i really like you etc. i hear from him about once a week and i'm so confussed. i think he can't be that interested, what do you guys think.

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Couple of thoughts:


First, how old are you? If you're under-18, you need to be extremely careful about online relationships, anyway, so dropping it might be the way to go.


Second, keep the whole thing in perspective. You don't know this person very well at all, and you haven't done much in the way of conversing. It doesn't sound like he's particularly invested in being more than occasional chat buddies, so you should probably consider him strictly an IM-friend and try to find someone in person.


Just my two cents.

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Ya, it seems like you have never really dated anyone. I mean how did you come up with the conclusion that you actually like him and vice versa? You have absolutely no idea of who he is. He can be married and trying to have some sort of extramarital affair and it's hard for him to time himself to be online. Beside, this is just someone you met online, it doesn't mean anything. If you claim, you are not online much, then why is important he sends you e-mails/msg or not?

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Most Everyone Online has some kind of second identity, and this because it is so easier to pretend to be someone your not when it is just words..I say be very cautious of u u befriend online especially if it getting to a point of romance. Not everyone is who they say they are so becareful....good luck! [-o

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