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places to go to show her that you like her

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My favorite is to do something picnic style. I have taken a woman to a public park and eaten take out Chinese on a blanket, when in college. I ordered did the same thing on my office floor with a candle or two for Valentines day, when in my 30s. A bucket of chicken and a few candles are pretty cheap.

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My favorite is to do something picnic style. I have taken a woman to a public park and eaten take out Chinese on a blanket, when in college. I ordered did the same thing on my office floor with a candle or two for Valentines day, when in my 30s. A bucket of chicken and a few candles are pretty cheap.


well thats what u do with a gf or something. shes a friend now but i want more. if i do that she would get scared away i duno.

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Where you live can matter if you want advice. If anyone knows the area we might be able to suggest specific places to look into.


Sometimes it's not WHERE you take her, but how you get to interact while you're with her. Just have a great time with each other and roll with the punches.


In the city, it's a little more difficult, unless you're able to drive outside the city to do something. To be VERY inconspicuous, just spend the whole day together. Ask her where SHE would like to go. Showing her that you care about what she wants is a pretty good way to get the ball rolling.


If you want to be a bit more obvious, greet her with a flower or something. Picnics are GREAT, but even something like going to the zoo or an amusement park for the day is a really sweet but non-threatening way to pass the hint along. One of my favorite dates that I went on, he took me to an amusement park and then on the way home we stopped at a little roadside ice cream parlor. It was incredibly sweet and we had so much fun! It definitely sticks out in my mind.

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OK, so your question is where to take her to get the contact you would need to make her feel inclined to enter a relationship with you.


If I really wanted her, I would take her on a hike and a serious one at that, but not necessarily a long one. Why? I get her alone so we could talk, I can get her doing something physical and having fun, and if I could stir a little fear in her, then I would have her.


You want her someplace you can talk, but don't talk relationship. So getting her alone is good. Get her to talk abotu her and her itnerests.


Fear releases a chemical in our brains that's the same one released during the initial steps of a relationship, so it is good to have her get the fear adrenaline going.


The physical aspect, plus a little planning with a lunch would make you look like the MAN. Anything of this type will do, such as a bike ride, roller blading, etc. If you had to ask her to go help you pick out clothes or something, it would be OK, but not as good.


Why not just ask her out?

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The guy I'm with now took me out for coffee at 11:30 at night after I got off work. He was one of the customers at the store I worked at, and just randomly asked me if I liked coffee and if I wanted to get some when my shift ended. It was just a small, inexpensive diner... We just talked about anything that came up, until about 2 in the morning!


Talking is the most important thing, but I wouldn't suggest takeing her somewhere where it litterally is just you and her yet... She could end up feeling uncomfortable, and panic, cause there isn't anyone else around to help if she needed it. I would suggest taking her out to a diner or a coffee house... something like that... and just talk about whatever comes up!

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So then you only need to know how do you get to see her so you can do that. Doing it is a matter of having the skills to be able to make her feel attractive to you.


How to talk to her, read her body language, send your own body language, etc. If she finds you at all attractive, use the right skills and she will be yours.

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So then you only need to know how do you get to see her so you can do that. Doing it is a matter of having the skills to be able to make her feel attractive to you.


How to talk to her, read her body language, send your own body language, etc. If she finds you at all attractive, use the right skills and she will be yours.


what are t right skills ???

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So then you only need to know how do you get to see her so you can do that. Doing it is a matter of having the skills to be able to make her feel attractive to you.


How to talk to her, read her body language, send your own body language, etc. If she finds you at all attractive, use the right skills and she will be yours.


what are t right skills ???


Well, I mentioned the key skills. Knowing how to read and send body language is key. Knowing how to be a conversationalist is also key, and mostly it involves listening.

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I have to disagree on the fear part. Just because catecholamines are released in response to stress or excitement doesn't mean that if you get someone scared their thought processes or perspectives about the situation are going to be the same. C'mon, catecholamines, also known as endorphins are also released during sex and you can't tell me that sex and fear mean the same things. The body responds in a physiologically similar manner to both situations by releasing catecholamines, which in turn increases heart rate, contracility and blood pressure.


I don't recommend a hike or necessarily somewhere private for a first date with a girl, unless you know her really well and were/are friends beforehand because she may become suspicious of you and wonder why you are trying to get her in a one on one situation so soon. I have been asked out on many dates where guys wanted to go somewhere really private like on their boat in the ocean or something. I'm not a tall or big girl and the thought of being cast overboard and my family never being able to locate my body scared me enough to decline those dates.


If you and the girl don't know each other well I would meet her at the coffee shop, meet for a drink somewhere, or ice cream. Use the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid) and just keep the date inexpensive, casual, comfortable, and show your interest by asking her questions about herself and listen to her responses. If you do that then you are likely to get a second date.

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