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Someone please read this and reply I need it

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Ok,So I go out this past weekend with some friends to have some fun and finally get out and just do something to take my mind off of my ex because I miss and love him so much,Well I go out and stay out for like 4 days with my friends only come in and back out of my house to get more clothes or check my phone here and there,So to go on with my story and why I need help,I had like 5 calls from my ex and I am not use to him calling like that anymore so I didnt expect to see his number on my caller I.D or think he would ever call me when I was gone,Well he did he left messages saying he wanted to hang out that weekend that he wanted me to come over his house,He thinks I was out with guys but I was not told me if I talked to guys that he would not talk to me anymore,He said he was worried I guess that I would find someone else but what he does not know is most of the time I was watching movies and just hanging out,Well now he said he dont want to talk to me anymore because lastnight I went to get my car fixed and did not get home until late and he said that he does not believe me that he does not want to talk to me anymore,I was with him for 2 years and we only have been broken up for 5-6 months now,Well another thing that he does not like is here and there I go out to drink and he told me that im not the same person that he does not want his girl drinking that I did not do that before and that now he is done with me all because he thinks I am out partying my butt off,Then I said you party all the time go to bars he said yeah but I did this before you and this is me,I am just thinking in my head you are doing the same thing I do but your telling me im diff and you dont want your girl drinking,I love him so much and im so confused now I dont know why he said those things and why he is acting like this but I know that I dont like it at all,Can someone please help me figure this out because im so angry and upset at this point im 21 he is 25 anyones help I would appreciate more then anything right now.

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i agree with hate, he seems very controlling of you and your life. my sisters first boyfriend was liek that when they were together, he wouldnt even let her have male friends. It is also possible that he is jealous as hate had said. He may not want to see you with other guys because he still loves you. Try going out on another date or hanging out again and see what happens.

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