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he hasnt called

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Ok heres the deal i am dating a guy 2 years older then me and evryhting was great until school started up again. He hasnt said hi to me or even called since then. I am so confused. I called him but he wasnt there and he hasnt called back. I dont know if something is up or he thinks im egnoring him. what should i do or what is he doing?

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Can't tell you what he's doing, My advice to you would be to try tomorrow to get in touch with him again, Leave a Message with someone at his house if he isn't home, if he doesn't call you back, than he's not being a B/F, he's might be acting this way to get attention from you, but who knows, all i know is that being a challenging person is sometimes what a girl likes, the chase, ya' know..cat mouse games, sometimes we can't help it, we either become a CAT, or a MOUSE in life.


If he wants to continue with this No contact, than you do the same, simple as that.

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I think this might be the Problem



I'm going to be Brutally honest with you here


Dating an Older Guy, especially while still in school, well word gets around about that, pretty quick I think maybe his "friends" people he knows may of said some things to him, and in order to keep there friendship he may of thought being a B/F towards you isn't such a good thing, so this silence is his way to coward out of a relationship. i'm sure he already caught some words from people, maybe laughing at him, saying he's desperate...b/c your 14 and he's 16, you know how people are in school, they can really have an impact on your reputation, see what I'm getting at, it makes sense to me.


We saw each other a day before school started and everything was great


You look hard at the line above, it has that answer in it. Sorry babe

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Your right it is wrong of him to act this way, it shows his immature side, But at the same time i don't think he wants to hurt your feelings.



I can't say for sure, and my last post was a little presumptuous (jumping ahead to much), It could just be he hasn't had time to call you, or see you, he may not have any problem with being a B/F with you.


But like i said call tomorrow, see what transpires after you get in touch with him, if you can't make contact tomorrow try again, after 3 days drop your efforts, burn the bridges of communication, and move on, you don't need people like that.

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