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What can i do about stretch marks?

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I have had some stretch marks on my back for a bout a year now. First there was 1 then they seemed to erupt. I have about 6 or 7 just stretched accross my lower back. I really need help becasue i dont want to spend years and years waiting for them to fade. Anyone herd anything about this TRILASTIN cream? any creams that will give me GOOD results??? or any home remadies? I really dont want to hide my back forever.

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got some myself under my armpits and stretch a little to my pecs, due to working out and gaining weight quickly. Over the years they have faded. Not much u can do for them, unless they can hurry up and develop a cream that allows new skin to grow over the areas.

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I have NO idea why they even developed. I didnt really work out alot last summer, i used barely any weight. And i dont think i put on any weight last summer either. Usualy to have them that bad on the back you had to be fat and lose alot of weight, or be skinny and gain alot... but i didn't do either. Im puzzled why the HELL i got em and i dont want them here.



That cream i saw worked really well for people im thinking it might work. You were saying creams dont work at all?

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My husband has them on his lower back too and he is thin. It wouldn't take too much weight gain in that area to cause them. Stretch marks happen when growth happens too quickly for the skin and it causes the skin to stretch.


I'm not saying that the creams don't work at all. A stretch mark is a scar, I just don't see how a cream could eliminate a scar. Just my opinion.

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It's just that i looked through the site and it showed some REALLy big improvements in the marks. They completely faded from picture to picture. I might give it a try, the marks dont really affect me too much its just i try to stay away from taking off my shirt. I just wear a tank top, underneath and that doesnt look like im hiding anything Im thinking thye will fade over time, i just dont want to be with a girl and have her get all freaked out and disgusted

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