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Hey I am thinking of asking this girl to prom... i am running out of time, my last possible day would probably be monday... i am pretty shy and i have trouble asking her... i came very close today but her friends walked up...everyone is telling me to just do it and what ever but i have a problem doing it face to face.. my question is mainly for girls here... would it be weird to write a note... and if so what kind of note should it be... like a sweet little one or a serious but not too serious one... please help me out... if i should just go up instead also tell me that.. any input please

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Well, you sound like you have a big problem here, but not one that doesn't have quite an easy answer. You should write her a note telling her that you have to talk to her and ask if she will call you. Put your number in the note, and if you don't think she will call because she's not that type of girl, ask her when you two can honestly talk or ask her to write you back. I wouldn't put anything else in the note, so's not to sound desperate. This should work because I had a guy friend that I had kind of lost contact with, but he gave me a note that said to call him, and I did (even though I wasn't really allowed to talk to guys on the phone at the time). Well, when I called him, he asked me if I wanted to go see Harry Potter with him and his friends, and I said yes because I didn't feel pressured on the phone as much as I would have face-to-face. By the way, I'm a fifteen-year-old girl, about to be 16 in less than a month, and I hope that my suggestion helps you out! Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you write her a note it may work but not for all girls. If you just ask her out in person it's a big step to becoming less shy. I used to be really shy but I worked on it and now I'm a lot more outgoing. I'm sure she will say yes if she is a good person. Otherwize she must simply be mean, so just ask her. Taking it from a girl, she probably isn't going to say no, so get yourself moving and just ask her. Don't worry, you will be fine.

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