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How Can I show her that i like her without actually saying


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So what you are saying is that if a guy can confidently go up to a girl and just tell her how he feels... THEN it's okay?


The context is being lost and mistranslated again because of gender diffrences.


If a man is confident and likes a girl, he will not have to say anything because she will realize by the way that he acts that he likes her.


Men arn't emotional creatures, but when they are comfortable with themselves and a girl they will act from the gut, which is basically the same thing except they don't vocalize it.

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What do you mean "because of gender differences"? LOL! See this is why it is best to just say what you mean instead of making a big song and dance out of it! It just gets too confusing! It is hard enough for people to understand each other through direct communication. It makes it ten times MORE difficult when you beat around the bush.

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What do you mean "because of gender differences"? LOL! See this is why it is best to just say what you mean instead of making a big song and dance out of it! It just gets too confusing! It is hard enough for people to understand each other through direct communication. It makes it ten times MORE difficult when you beat around the bush.



There is no beating around the bush. I'm explaining it o you as it comes out of my mind and male viewpoint. Girls have a diffrent viewpoint, but use the same terminology, which blurs the meaning.


Now, what I am saying is that men do not typically allow themselves to feel anything towards women that they are attracted to, and if they do they comes off as weak and needy.

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I have to say this is a really interesting discussion. I think howeverthat there has been some generalisation going on here. Not all women want the same thing.


I've been attracted to lots of different guys, guys that aren;t interested in me, guys that are, guys i don't even know, guys who are lazy bums and do nothing all day. Physical looks are not an issue, i really think it does depend on the personality of the guy. I love playing the games but i do agree that there needs to be a point where you stop them. IS the guy is trying to beat you all the time he comes off as looking too smug and full of himself. Admitting to emotions is an important part of beginning a relationship. And in this case he wants to get the girl, i would suggest play games for a while but in the end a girl likes a guy who can be open and say what he feels.

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If a man is confident and likes a girl, he will not have to say anything because she will realize by the way that he acts that he likes her.


Men arn't emotional creatures, but when they are comfortable with themselves and a girl they will act from the gut, which is basically the same thing except they don't vocalize it.






That is perfect IMO. I believe that 100% That's how I feel.


No guy is ever going to go up to a girl and say "Hey, you know what, I like you". It's just too blunt and there is nothing in that sentence that will get her to believe that he's got feeling behind it.


but what someone like me WILL do is what Hero_99 said;


laugh, make eye contact, casually touch her arm, use open body language, talk to her a lot, make her laugh.


that is EXACTLY what i do. and it works. this time they bevlive it because they almost can feel the gentle emotion the guy has stirring inside of him. so he doesn't need to say anything. i've NEVER said that i was atrracted to a girl..but I did a lot to show it.



And lastly, he brought up a very interseting topic



"She should never feel so secure that she feels that she will always have you"



a whole ball of wax on it's own......





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OKAY! I figured it out! I can see where what I said is getting lost here. When I say just tell her how you feel, don't just say "hey I like you". I mean, show her that you REALLY like her! Tell her you've noticed her and was wondering if you might get the chance to spend some time with her. You HAVE TO romance it! Yeah... Don't be blunt. That just comes off as obnoxious most of the time... Though it has worked for some! You never know! Okay, is that more clear? Don't be blunt, but don't try to mask it either.

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laugh, make eye contact, casually touch her arm, use open body language, talk to her a lot, make her laugh.


Though this is very true I don't remember saying this, but I did write a few papers on the subject that caused a lot of controversy.


"The real logic of male and female relationships" and "What a real man is made out of" were apparently the most controversial, but made a lot of sense to people who took the time to really read and understand what was written.


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seriously being 16 has little to do with it, especially considering the person who posted is pretty young too. and the guy that says "i like you" is not necessarily the guy we'll go for, but im saying eventually he will need to say it if anything is going to happen. i keep saying, you dont do it from the get go, but eventually those words need to be said if a girl is going to consider anything.

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