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I NEED HELP. Please Advice Me!

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I am going out with this lass for about 2 months. There is no problem, but I have problem with my self. Last time I rang her was about 3 hours ago she talked about the sort of day she had, she says she been out with her friends looking for another boy called SAM. She doesn't fancy her but her friends does. Then she said that she is gonna hamg about with him on sunday night. I said WHAT? What you mean by hang about with him, she said you can come is well. Then I asked is he nice looking lad? She said yes she look like you actually. Then at the end of the conversation she said bye, I love you. That's it. But nothing happened but I can't stop my mind I just had a bad feeling about this lad name, I once read in internet when girls talking about someone else there always be a problem. I don't know what to do or how to control my self I am in love with her and whenever I hear about other lads name or she hang about with them...I get bad feeling, I can't sleep and I just get so depressed. How can I stop myself please if anybody can help me or show me the way that I can just stop this bad feeling it's ruined from my life, education.

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i hear you about that kind of thing. My advice would be this: love means trust, right? Of course, i sound totally stereotipical and cliched, but listen: If she loves you, and you love her, then nothing can change that. However, if she begins to think that your jealous, she may begin to have mixed feelings about you. I would say, you should just not worry about it. Go hang out with her, her friends, and this guy. Maybe he's cool. Maybe you might even become friends with him. But i doubt that your gf isnt being loyal to you. The best way for you to prove that you really love her is to trust that she wouldnt do such a thing.


Good luck!

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hey my advice would to be: not to worry about it if she loves you too she wont do anything to hurt u and also if you want the relationship to keep going then you should not get jealous of any other lad she talks about just try and be as happy as she is as me being a gurl myself that is what i would be really annoyed if my b/f kept getting jealous about silly stuff! k chill hun! and gd luck luv stace x x x x x

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hiya iranbic. the last 2 guys were 100% right, u have been looking real jealous by questioning her. she is either tryin to get a reaction out of you or she finds this guy as interesting as her friend( which is not good). dont question her anymore, i suggest you exact revenge by being occupied with your mate's 'girl' and spending time with them. dont let her control your emotions..otherwise you will either break up cos she is bored or you will be in a puss y-whipped relationship. good luck bro.

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