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i cant open up anymore

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well i just posted about why i cant make anymore friends and i was told t open up more but i dont know how to open up i can start a conversation going and then it stops and thats how it stays its paticularly at work i can talk to them fine as long as its about work and i want to become more friends with people there.

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I know how you feel, I have alot of trouble opening up to people too. I'm really not sure what to say to help, except that you should keep posting on this forum, I've found I can open up alot easier here than when talking to friends or family members. I'd also recommend trying to see a councilor, they could better advise you on what to do to open up a little bit more. Then again, maybe all you need is someone to listen, if thats the case, feel free to PM or Im me, i'm prefectly willing to talk and listen.


Best of Luck to you,


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hey, when i was younger i used to have confidence issues and i learnt to get by by having someone, like an idol, someone that i looked up to and wanted to be more like! then whenever i was in a situation where i felt uncomfortable i thought 'what would this person act like?' and i felt myself getting more confident. when i have to be tough for example i ask myself how tony soprano would talk! haha kidding! do u get what i mean though? i now don't even think about it, it has become second nature to me to be outgoing. have a few conversation pieces that never fail, my ex was a hairdresser and i learned a lot listening to him chat to customers about holidays, soap operas, cinema, etc. You will no doubt also have hobbies outside of work, or things that interest you. i like politics so basically i always have something to say on anything haha. but be yourself and sometimes people prefer to have a good listener than a good talker so be open to people and you will attract friends no problem. good luck x

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