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I have to leave my g/f but have nowhere to go.

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My name's Drew, 36 male living in Denver and very much love the Colorado lifestyle and climate.


I live with my girlfriend, 35, no kids, owns the house, and she has a good job. I have lost all attraction for her, and now despise her in every way.


I moved in with her last year when I came back from my mom's funeral. I was so depressed, I wouldn't work. Moving in with her was a good move at the time. But now 13 months later, I'm secretly planning my escape. I don't love her in a way that makes any sense to be living with her.


My problem is: I can't find a good job in Denver, I'm broke, I can't affort a place of my own right now (rents in Denver are very high).


My solution is: Cut and Run. Take my most prized possessions, load them into my grand cherokee and go back to Indianapolis, (hometown) where at least I can stay with a friend or two until I get back on my feet.


The Dilemmas are: The thought of going back to Indy sickens my stomach. I love Colorado. The thought of living with my old drinking buddies scares me. The thought of pulling up stakes and giving up makes me almost want to cry. BUT staying with my g/f any longer (now that I've come to this conlusion), definitely causes pain.


Any other MEN been, or are in, this situation? I don't want to hear from any females, no matter what you think you know.



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  • 1 month later...

hahahaha, oh man, this is funny stuff. Not your situation or anything just all the women and bashing and stuff, oh man hahaha. to funny. My advice would be first off, you know women, don't say somthing like that, not only is it gonna create bias among other people who read the message but your only gonna get pissed off replies.

As for your situation, if I were you, I would load up my possesions and make a plan, but then talk to her just before you plan to leave. Tell her you wanna move on and unless she's gonna cut you or somthing, you've got nothing to lose except leaving her in a little more of a gentle way. I mean, i don't think you wanna intentionally hurt somone that bad do you? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to feel like the way you feel right now ever again in your life, so imagine if somone intentionally made you feel that way? Just tell her and try to help her understand taht your not compatible and, to put it bluntly, your a mooch.

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  • 1 month later...

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