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urgent dont contact your ex read this

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ok so for every one that has recently got there heart broken. this thread is for you to give your advice on how to get over it. and also get ideas on what to do. you do not have to post an idea if you do not have one. however if you like an idea that somebody post. you can say hey great idea. you know so every that reads this thread can look at what the community will do. so no one gets stuck.because i know at this second alot of people feel stuck.you can say your situation and what you are doing to better yourself. its also way better then contacting your ex and getting rejected plus having to start the healing process all over agian.sometimes the best revenge is to live life and be happy. ex hate that jaja. no mind games because at the end you will be the one hurt

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started training the week she left me....went from 10 n half stone of flabby love handles to 9 stone after 2 weeks due to stress, been training hard now on a 12 week programme, diet is perfect and am the heaviest ive ever been at 11 stone and not a love handle in sight. I feel so awesome, my arms have never been so solid, and my chest starts to poke out, i get compliments from people all the time and that is wicked.


if i had one tip, get a prgramme and get in the gym!! dont contact them.....theres plenty to do instead

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ok so my situation is my ex broke up with me a month ago.she contacts me and uses excuses to why she is talking to me.and then gets mean and defensive. every time i would tell her i need to move on and get out of her life she gets diffensive tells me no. well i got tired of the mind games and her trying to get me jelous. im here to live my life. be the better person. i never hit her, cheated on her or did anything bad, i know times i was a jerk. but hey so was she. most of the times we did not fight. her problem is keeping everything in and exploding.


so i told her yesterday i cant take it any more if you are going to call have respect. then yesterday i told her just so you know im doing no contact. i put my foot down. i know she hates the fact that im out of her life. but i needed her to stop calling.because at the end i seemed like i was going to be there takin every thing she throws at me.i need my space. we might be friends later but im not going to let her push me around. because at the end i have no guilt i did not end it she did.


im going to work on myself not for her not for any one else but myself.im going to be me. live life be happy. i know alot of you are stuck with missing your ex but at the end if you become the you that they met it will give you a better chance. do it for you though. be happy. i might not get her back but in reality so many people like my attitude towards life. i like joking making people smile. after the break up i felt like i can never feel happy agian. , today im going to start going to the jim today. because wether i look different or not at the end of the day it will make me feel more secure. because at the end i was the one who was the happy one. my ex was always scared of the world not out going.she liked me because i was there for her. she wasnt there for me. i know she will want to call me later because of the bad excuses she used. but you know what? its time she got a dose of what she ended. she will see life with out the person who was there for her. while every one put her down. i hope she is happy but im not here to baby sit her

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