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A while ago my girlfriend dumped me. I really like her and she still likes me. She dosnt know why she dumped me, she just did. She says she likes me the most she just likes other people too! We still talk a lot and I go to her house and stuff like that. I dont think I still have a chance with her and she wont tell me if I do or not. I really need to know what to do. Should I just get over her or should I still try?

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You really like her and yet she's interested in other guys besides you...Ouch.

I don't think that you should bother with her romantically any more until she can dedicate herself to you. You deserve someone who wants you and you alone, someone who truly cares about you and isn't just using you to pass the time.

If you want to remain friends with her than that's your choice, although I don't suggest you hang out with her all that much while you're trying to get over her as it'll make the process even harder.

Best of luck to you!

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