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Extremely Shy trying to talk to a female


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I hate being so shy, I've never approached a female in my life. Anyways every morning at the bus stop it's just me and this girl. For months absolutely nothing was said, not like I would say somethign first. Then one day out of nowhere she smiles and starts to talksto me asks if I want to sit down, then she talks about the weather and how tired she is etc., of course i become a bumbling fool and can barely get words out of my mouth.


This was friday, and well I'll see her again on monday, how can i break the ice this time.


I hope she doesn't think im weird.

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you bro have a once and a life time opportunity(maybe once in alife time from the sound of you). Now you dont want to screw this up. I say this if you are only into her and if you want to have a potential relationship. You want to have a good emotion...when you get to the bus stop you want to smile and say "hey!!! good morning" in a good mood type of way. she resond back. now since both of you already spoke the genuine good morning wont sound weird. just ask her how her weekend was and after that talk about your weekend. if you want to extend the conversation, you have to listen to keywords that she says that relates to you. For example if she said i went to the movies and say "Gnomeo and Juliet" and she says it was funny, you can say "ahh i hate those little gnomes, they freak me out" and usually the girl will say something like, "oh really, they dont bother me". You could even attempt to ask her out, maybe say, "Gnomeo and juliet is not a funny movie, I should take you and show you a really funnny movie"....i dunno its really up to you not to screw up...i mean if you are this anti-social (not really saying you are, but from what i read, it kinda sounds like you are)these chances are not going to pop up at all. if you need anymore help you can pm me. good luck

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Well, it can be as easy as asking her if she's tired again. It shows concern, it shows you remembered what you talked about, and it's an easy way to break the ice. It sounds like she isn't very shy, so if you are listening to her, then she will likely carry the conversation.


Even if it is a very casual conversation, I can understand the feeling of not having a clue what to say: when all your energy is focused on trying to interpret what they are thinking. How you appear. What you should say next. Whether you smell or look funny. A million little things.


Try and focus instead on what she is saying and instead of thinking of what to say, don't worry about pauses and simply react to what she says. You don't have to plan ahead because that will just make you worry about remembering your oh-so-clever script.


Just breathe, if nothing else!

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