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Back to business: 20, single, virgin

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What up John? How are things? As for me, I been hitting some stages of depression and hostility. Not really because of girls but little things here and there. Work has become stressful and I miss home and whatnot. Hard to be solitary when you got a ton of people around. Anyways I been going to mental health and they been talking to me and whatnot trying to help me figure out all my problems. I just find it easy to talk to them than I do most other people. Anyways, how are the rest of you doing?

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LOL! John you always manage to put a smile on my face with your posts! Don't ask me why, it just happens! Sorry I haven't been around lately- WAY TOO MUCH GOING ON! But my fiance is going back home tonight so I'm gonna try to get back into my regualr routine here this week. I hope everyone is doing okay!

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Fiancee? Hmmm amazing, didn't think you'd even think about marriage at 19 but hey if you are ready for it, go for it. You are an adult.


As for John, I am glad you stopped with the pot. it is just a stupid drug you do not need it to survive. Glad you are doing better man. As for me, I been through alot of BS as of late, stress and all. But I am going home soon luckily so hopefully things will get better.

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