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How Do I make my GirlFriend my best friend

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I have been dating this Girl for 3 months and it has been Great. But now she has said that She doesn't feel like we are also best frinds yet. I know that this kinda thing takes time but Does anyone have sugestions as to how I can build this part of the relationship up?



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open your feelings to her, not all at once, you might freak her out...but over time..

treat her good, and talk talk talk, alsways talk and kiss...

if you can't talk then kiss.

It also depends on how much time you spend with her, if you are just spending one day a week, then you need to start seeing her more, I suggest 5 times a week...always spend weekends with her. those 2 or 3 three days you weren't with her you can always talk about what you did and stuff, or school work or just work....don't talk depressing stuff, don't make her feel bad, make her laught.


You can't force her to be your best friend...

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Do stuff with her that friends do. For instance...go to the beach with her. Go swimming with her and other friends. Take her shopping (I know, painful for many guys, but it's a great bonding experience for the girl). By doing more "friendly" things with her, you're connecting with her on another level.


And talk. Talk talk talk. When a girl says she wants to be best friends with her boyfriend, it means she wants to be able to talk to him for hours and hours. Talk about what happened that day. Gossip about people if you're both not offended by that kind of thing. Joke around. Tickle her. Tell funny stories about things that happened to you. Laugh together. And then kiss her.


Then you'll be a lover who's also a best friend. What more could a girl ask for?

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok damn i love this forum,


anyway, what i found out that, to get your girlfriend to be your best friend aswel as well as your lover is really open up to her, be 100% truthful, then they get respect because you been open, dont always tell them exactly what they want to here, when your with best m8s and they do something stupid or just plain actin like a tw@ do you tell trhem they are? or do you just let him do what he has to do?


the way i made my fiance my best mate was been ME, i started off like i am with any normal person, told her the basics, but over time i felt i could trust her more & more, so graudually i opend up and told her things about me that know one else knows, and i told her that know one else knows, that gains her espect because you can both feel like you can tell them anything, you will tell when she ranks you as a best friend aswel when she tells yo things that she wouldnt tell anyone else,


hope that helps



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