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Homemade Sex Toys?

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I heard of some possible homemade sex toys on websites, but i knew all of you have a better chance at tell me what exactly i could make, i am not only open to toys for females, since i have many male friends that wouldn't mind knowing so tricks... but then again... i was the only one not too chicken to come on here and ask... please help me fast, i personally am bored with the same ol, same ol....


thanks again...

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Have your male friends sit on their hands until the're numb... it's called THE STRANGER!!! *snort*


Seriously though, I wouldn't use anything "homemade". What if it breaks in some fashion while you're using it? What if you "carve" a shape and get a "sliver"... Yikes!


Sex toys are cheap, and it's better to buy one tested and safe then try to save money or embarrasment by making one.

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I completely agree. The one thing that people have difficulty in making home-made sex-toys, is keeping them sanitized. It is better to really buy something from an adult store just to keep things sterile. I had a friend of mine who was into all that stuff and made something from home. They used it once, and then 'cleaned' it and put it away for next time. Well, when that happened, his wife got a really bad combo of a yeast infection and a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) which both have to do with bacteria getting up in the genitals. Very painful and a long process to remedy. Its not really a matter that they didn't clean it, as they didn't store it well enough. He was really too embarrassed to tell me what it was, but he did frown against never making another one... they just stuck to their store-bought ones... Be careful if you do!

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