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HElp! I need talking tips!

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Ok, I caught up with one of my old friends from my old school and she told me tha this girl wanted to find out the guy i was for some reason, So i got her screenname and tallked to her for the rest of that night. Then everyday we would talk until we had to go to sleep. I really like her and she is pretty cool although i have never seen her or heard her. So me and her and this group of old friends are going to watch a movie on friday and I was wondering what I shoulkd say to her. It's already hard trying to think of things to say to her online. She thinks i'm really sweet lol. But I don't know what to say to her when I see hr because everyone knows that talking online is a hell lot easier than talking face-to-face.

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Just be natural, don't try to make up any stupid jokes to start with. Don't talk about weather, ask her what she did today, or talk about common friends, or comment on her look, stuff like that. Just act cool, and keep a kleenex in your pocket, in case your palms sweat

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