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Conversation in Groups

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Hey, Iv been trying to work on my conversation and Iv got a good bit better at it, but only whens its a 1on1 situation. When im placed in a group I end up not saying anything and just letting other people talk, I feel like people don't even notice im there, and when I try and say something they don't really respond and It lowers my confidence for the rest of the day. Anybody got any tips for talking in groups of stangers?



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yeh im like that too, i think if you can relate to what they're talking about it helps in being able to squeeze in some comments and start a conversation.


just because ppl may not respond to you right away doesnt mean they think your a loser or whatever, so don't let that get you down.


I think just like anything else, practice makes perfect. and it always helps if you have information from news, or something else that people might have an opinion on or be interested in.


good luck, hope this helps

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