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I feel kind of stupid to even ask about something like this. After all I am 18 and I should know better and I should know how to handle my own life with little or no advice from others. Neway...I've been living in New York for 3 years now while attending the School of American Ballet..I haven't really gotten to know anyone because I tend to be shuned a lot. But, the other day I was asked out by one of my friends who also happens to be interested in dancing and theater. But, he's been my friend for so long I don't know if I could see him as anything else regardless of having a lot in common and him being very attractive.


Yet, there's another guy I met that I'd be happy to date. He's fun, loving, kind, and caring. Basically all I'd want in a guy and a person I could actually see myself with. But, I don't think he's as interested in me as I am in him. I'd ask him out but I don't want to be shot down.


If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it.

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Well I'd put myself in the position of Im just getting to know you first then kinda go from there but if I start to see that I like the person more and want to pursue a relationship with them I would want to talk with them and see what their intentions were and if they wanted to equally pursue a relationship..



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Like your quote...maybe it would help to look at your goal for a relationship right now. Are you wanting to date for fun or to find Mr. Right? Do either of those guys fit the bill?


If you are really friends with this guy, you probably know him well enough to know if it'd go anywhere or not. If you're playing for keeps, decide what it is that's important to you, and if you're friend makes the list, date him. If not, don't. Maybe the other guy will. Just be honest with yourself. It maybe that neither of the guys is for you.


Hope this helps!

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the friend you have knowen for a while might have liked you for the longest time, but never got the nerve to ask you out. I was like that. He will treat you like a queen. Just don't abuse him. He practically knows everything about you which is a plus and minus. Can't really make em laugh at dinner over the funny stuff cause hes most likely heard it already. If you consider dating him, tell him RIGHT OFF how you feel.


something like this im sure. "I only see you as a friend. I would like to consider seeing you as more, but I am afraid that we might push past the limits to return to friends. I don't know if I want to risk what we have now, for something that might not be forever"


It sucks for him, but he needs to learn that thats what happens. hehe good quotes to fit this.


Hesitation leads to masterbation.


Procrastinating and masterbating are so much alike. It might be fun now, but in the end, your just screwing yourself.

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