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Hey, hehe, well i could tell you to just ask her out, you know, talk to her and make friends with her first, if you already are, DO NOT TRY TO IMPRESS HER, it always fails trust me, just be yourself, be like

"Man i really wanna watch spiderman!! it looks sweet as hell"

Shy hot chick:

"oh yeah yeah, uhh it looks nice"


"well im thinking imma go see it this sat, do think you wanna come"

Shy hot chick:

"OH!!!! Offcourse, you are such an attractive hot man, aww back to life i will be delighted!!"


....later on at nite she will give you a kiss and you will go like this .

hehe good luck, and i thinkg YOU ARE THE SHY ONE MISTER.

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I would say you should ask her for her electronic address and get to communicate regularly with her first. Then, if this is possible, you may ask her for help with a course or ask her to go shopping with you for clothes, tell her you have no flair for fashion and she is always looks so nice (very few women will say no to an opportunity to go shopping). Then you can take her for diner for her gentleness (does not need to be an expensive restaurant) or the movies.


Good luck!

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Trust me, if you stay in the dark like a little weirdo dude, staring at her and wishing you could talk to her, one day shes gonna turn around and ask you if your stalking her!!, so go talk to her, like i said, be like

"damn chick, yo soooooooo fineeeee!!"

No no, in second thought, maybe what the guy up there said is better, but dont put so much thought into it in case she says no cuz shes and uptight biaaaatch or something, but im pretty sure shes gonna say yes , as long as you approach her you will now what 2 do.


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