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He "doesnt" like her but why is he with

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He "doesnt" like her but why is he with her??

Ive been seeing this guy for like about 4 months already but when I met him things werent goin so good between him and his girl...He started flirting with me and we got involved. Pretty soon he was sleeping over my house and he would tell EVERYBODY that we were together even tho those same people knew he had a girlfriend but they all knew that I knew too. I wanted things to end because after a while I found out that she was the one who payed EVERYTHING for him... his gas, his food, his haircuts, clothes ect. Thats when I KNEW he wasnt goin to leave her for sure.


Time kept on passing by and things never ended...When I wanted him to leave I would fight with him and tell him Im tired of it but hell just come back the next day and I just couldnt resist. He practically lived in my house for 3 months and he would always make up some excuse so that he wouldnt have to see his girlfriend. She works in the mornin and gets out at 4 to be at school by 6 till 10. Usually she would pass by his house but since hell always be in my house he would say he was busy or far away so she would just go home and he would stay with me. We got REALLY close and we had alot of things in common.


Her mom didnt like him and my mom and my whole family loves him. He tells me that he has feeling for me but I already told him that things are really over and he moved out to an efficency which shes paying for but she doesnt live with him because her parents dont let her. He also likes the fact that even tho Im 16 I have alot more freedom then she does and shes 18 and cant even stay out till 11 on weekends. I really want him to leave her or else Im not gonna be with him...He gets really jealous when he calls my house na dsees that Im not here..Hes showed me a couple of signs already that tell me he likes me but he says he cant leave her cuz she helps him out...People say I should tell her mysel but I dont want no problems. What should I do???


Any advice would be good....

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does his gf know that your with her bf? and come on why would you want a guy who goes back inforth to different girls sounds like a player to me, and how could you feel confortable when he goes to his gf and they do things like mmm makeout and stuff....oh and i bet if she buys him things he does things in return if he doesnt have money well he may be doing other things with her. i think you should set him stright either he brakeups with her or you just leave his sorry as* behind. and also if there still a couple he could leave you any time'-' take care'-'

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know what, she's not necessarily wrong; you HAVEN'T taken her man away from her, have you, if he is still with her in some respects? I ued to date a guy who sounds just like your boyfriend. He might SAY that he isn't doing anything with her, but I am pretty sure she wouldn't be paying for him to live if he was never seeing her or doing anything with her.


He might seem charming and irresistible to you, but look at the situation: he's a bum! Do you want a guy who has to have his girlfriend pay for everything, even his haircuts? Does he have a job? You might think he wasn't using you, but he was using you both. He lived with you, so that is a way of supporting him, and now that she is paying for his apartment, he doesn't need to live with you. HE might say she never comes over to his place, but have you heard that from HER? I REALLY DOUBT she would keep paying for all this stuff if they weren't still seeing each other someimes. YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL! Players are the most charismatic guys in the world, and you will want to believe everything they say, but you have to be on the defense. Just ask for anyone's opinion: if his "ex-girlfriend" is paying for all his living expenses, something is definitely up. Would you pay for your ex-boyfriend to eat, live in an apartment, and all his other expenses? I don't know anyone who would, so I would be VERY suspiscious. Don't trust this guy, and you aren't much better for being with a guy who will cheat with you. He might talk badly about his other girl, but that shows a disrespect toward women, and he is probably talking about you behind your back, so watch out, before you catch an STD or something. If you want a committed guy who loves you, I guarantee he is not the man for the job.

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