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There are a lot of married people who cheat on their spouses. Why do people do that? It would be great if you could enlighten some unmarried people.


Married the wrong person?


Felt coerced (forced) into marriage?


She got pregnant?


He or she changed completely after marriage?


Love is dead?


I am a rebel and like to break rules?


My father cheated but my parents are still happily married?


I can't control my sexual urges?


Marriage is not what I believed it to be?


Marriage sucks!

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I was actually just reading a big article on cheating spouses yesterday. And surprisingly, women cheating are coming up fast and furious on the heels of men. Difference being, women are sneakier about it.


Some of the reasons listed for cheating were boredom, feelings of neglect if the spouse is a businessperson/travels quite a bit/works long hours consistently, easy access on the computer for cheating, such as chat sites that DESIGNATE a section to people "married and browsing", feeling unattractive to one's spouse, or simply because it's a rush to flirt with someone new and have them reciprocate.


When you're in a long-term relationship, it's almost a guarantee that that flame of "God, I love you so much!" is going to die down to the more comfortable "love you, hon." Children are born, couples have more responsiblity and more stress with growing families/financial strain, and don't get to spend quality time with each other like they used to. You get into that daily grind of just going from one day to the next, and forget to make time just for you and your spouse. A spontaneous trip, a romantic evening, a phone call during the day just to say "I love you and am thinking of you." It does take some work to maintain a relationship, and if you get too caught up in the other aspects of your life, you tend to take your spouse for granted until you realize they've also come to that conclusion and need a little more!




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i'm a 35 year old married women for 17years now. i have never, ever cheated on my husband but have been considering it for some time now. why, because my husband never pays any attention to me and we rarely have sex. at my age sex is needed. he spends most of his time at work or when he is home he is online or doing something with the computer. sex for me has been almost nil for some years now and if you don't keep your wife happy she may just look else where.

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