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I always feel like this. I see a baby and I want one! Whenever I am out with my boyfriend and we see a baby I always say, "aww, I want one!" and he replies by saying, "well, we'll have them when you're done with college and after we get married"


lol, i dont think these feelings can go away. I have a desire so much to become a mother, but for now Im just focusing on school

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Well, being a guy. You may not put much into what I say, but it is normal to feel like that. All my friends have. It's just part of the female psyche. Why else do you think any woman would go through pregnancy and labor more than once?


As to how to keep from feeling that way, all I can say is that you really do have control of what you think.

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I think at a point in life - when you are sexually mature and the hormones are right, the "clucky clock" so to say turns on. Cooing at babies and finding yourself attracted to them is normal at your age - and for many other people - even men although it may come a bit later for them than for women (i caught my old bf making faces at a baby once, even though he denied it - it was cute). And from experience, I know that there are points when babies don't look so cute. It varies. The important thing is that you don't go out and try to have a baby at this age (not that you were necessarily thinking about it), but they are a huge responsibility.

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