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Loneliness - if you're lonely, please read...

im sandra dee

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Hi Sandra Dee. Lonely also. Trying to watch a movie to keep occupied. How about you?

Hello inshockguy, after I posted here, I had to wait five minutes for my post to show up so I updated my status on Facebook and watched a youtube video. I'm not doing much at the moment. Which movie are you watching?



Another lonely person sitting here doing this to pass the time, well this and fb.

Hi lindyl, I was on fb too


Lonely as well. Dunno what I'll do, probably watch a dvd or dvr and some Skype later.

Hi Panther_Dude, I was thinking of watching something on dvd myself but loneliness is depressing and I lost interest in dvds. What's in your collection of dvds?


You can try Folding Maybe you will be the one to find a protein that can stop cancer

Hi Nocapitalism, what's this about cancer? Please let's not even mention that word. I had breast cancer and it's something that I think about nearly every day.

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Sorry i wasnt aware. i was simply suggesting that if you are bored you could try folding@home which is ran by Stanford University. It is basically a international Project to try and get people interested in folding Proteins. You use a computer program. It will teach you how Diseases and things work in the Human Body. And sometimes if you get lucky. You might actually discover a protein fold that could Block out Diabetes or ever cancer which in turn would effectively stop it completely. Yes a cure. Again im sorry didnt mean any offense it is something i do in my spare time

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It's ok, sometimes things don't update very quickly for me either. I hope you don't think I confused "lonely" with "bored". I was watching The Green Mile for the 100th time. I don't understand the facebook thing too well, probably too old. Anyway. Are you lonely often or does it just seem worse tonight?

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Sorry i wasnt aware. i was simply suggesting that if you are bored you could try folding@home which is ran by Stanford University. It is basically a international Project to try and get people interested in folding Proteins. You use a computer program. It will teach you how Diseases and things work in the Human Body. And sometimes if you get lucky. You might actually discover a protein fold that could Block out Diabetes or ever cancer which in turn would effectively stop it completely. Yes a cure. Again im sorry didnt mean any offense it is something i do in my spare time


nocapitalism, no worries, I am not offended, I had it and it's behind me now (hopefully forever).

I never heard of protein folding but I googled it and I'm trying to learn more about it since they do mention cancer and that has me curious.

Hey great timing that you should respond to my post. I was looking for something to occupy my thoughts to distract me from my loneliness.

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It's ok, sometimes things don't update very quickly for me either. I hope you don't think I confused "lonely" with "bored". I was watching The Green Mile for the 100th time. I don't understand the facebook thing too well, probably too old. Anyway. Are you lonely often or does it just seem worse tonight?

inshockguy, no I wasn't confused and no one is too old for facebook, lol

I am lonely tonight because I recently ended a relationship with a man who wasn't right for me. I don't want to talk about it but I am sad and miss him.

I bet if I were in a room full of people right now I'd still be feeling lonely because I'm not with him.

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Same here (except with a girl). Part of my problem is a don't have but one friend and he moved away just before my girlfriend left me. I've tried to get out more but I don't feel too positive yet. I guess time will help.

inshockguy, I'm not super-lonely and I'm not super-sad, I acknowledge my feelings and tell myself it's ok to feel this way and in time my feelings will change... so you're right that time will help... many times I've been in this exact situation and thought it was the end of world and analyzed and over-analyzed and tried to do anything to fix the situation but I realize finally that there is nothing that I can do but get through these feelings... and it's ok to be sad, lonely, to miss him, etc. because I will get over it in time... I know that feeling of not being positive about getting out there... I decided to take a break from dating... I deserve a little time off, lol... and when I'm ready I will try again to meet someone.

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Well I wish you the best and I'll try to get myself to the point where you've progressed. Thanks for talking, it helped.

inshockguy, thanks for saying that... it has helped me too to come here and chat with people who know exactly how I feel... and now I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat as I skipped dinner because I was too sad to eat... but now I'm feeling better.

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Turn on some music and start dancing your heart out. Works for me. I just love music, totally wish I could be involved in the production of it but it's not my aptitude.

Jetta, thanks for suggesting music. I can't dance at the moment due to back pain however I love listening to music which often improves my mood.


Yip I guess I did think it was Friday, I was working today, don't usually work on Saturdays - oops!!

lindyl, I'm not currently working at all and everyday I stop and think "what day is it today?"... interesting how work helps us remember the days maybe because we look forward to days off, lol


really is this true..time just makes it better? I'm lonely too for the same reasons you are. Its really hard and sometimes I feel like it won't get better but then you posted this and it gave me some hope. I hope you are right.


oh and Hi

Hi GrowingUp, I can only speak from my own experiences and well yes every time I've felt loneliness because of a guy it has always passed in time and this time around that's the thought that I stay focused on instead of thinking about what he's doing or where he's going and with who and how he's doing and why couldn't he love me and all the rest of the things that might go through my mind if I let it happen... just remember we can control our thoughts... we may not be able to control our feelings but we have control over thoughts... yes, it's ok to feel lonely and sad after all it's normal to feel this way after a loss... as long as we don't blame ourselves or think negative self-thoughts then it's ok to feel and think/reflect and give ourselves a break for what we've been through. I hope that I've helped and if I have I'm glad. Good luck and take care GrowingUp.

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Last December, my girlfriend started cheating on me with someone she met at a personal growth workshop. (The kind where they make you sign a contract promising never to become sexually involved with someone you meet at the workshop.)


In June, she asked if we could have an open relationship. I said yes, figuring that she was going to keep seeing him either way, but at least this way it would be without the lying and sneaking around.


Now she spends as much time with him as with me, commuting between us on a two-week cycle. This is the week she spends with him.


So yeah, I'm feeling pretty lonely right now.

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Last December, my girlfriend started cheating on me with someone she met at a personal growth workshop. (The kind where they make you sign a contract promising never to become sexually involved with someone you meet at the workshop.)


In June, she asked if we could have an open relationship. I said yes, figuring that she was going to keep seeing him either way, but at least this way it would be without the lying and sneaking around.


Now she spends as much time with him as with me, commuting between us on a two-week cycle. This is the week she spends with him.


So yeah, I'm feeling pretty lonely right now.

capilot, I feel your pain. I almost considered being in an open relationship with the man that I am no longer seeing, the one that I am missing now and the one who has made me feel the loneliness that I'm experiencing now. I told him that being in an open relationship isn't a free for all to do whatever one wants or to have sex with whomever he wants whenever he wants. It's about negotiating what both he and a partner decide works for them. The man that I was seeing is selfish and self-centred and thinks only about himself. He has no regard for me or my feelings. I admit that he has some friend qualities but he didn't try enough to show much that he values my friendship and he is clueless about how to make a woman feel loved. He claims that he wants to fall in love but I don't buy it. He wants to control a woman and the situation and label that as an open relationship. I wish that I could offer words of support to you about your arrangement with your girlfriend. All I can tell you is that I can imagine how you must feel because I had considered it for myself and then I realized that this man wasn't worth it. He didn't make me feel loved. He did make me feel desired, sure, when we had sex and when we cuddled so I felt he was capable of an emotional connection but I do believe that his needs for sex far outweighed everything else and I doubt there was much of a chance of long term happiness with him. It was just short term pleasure. The last time that I saw him I told him that I don't know why I got involved with him sexually -- it was like playing with fire. I knew it was wrong yet I did it anyway. Well I put out the fire and still I miss him.

Good luck to you capilot with what you're going through.

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