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Is it meant to be?

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This is my first post. I having been reading for about 2 weeks now and it seems to be very insightful, if not helpful.


Last year I lived with my x and it did not work. Hence, we no longer live together. I was starting my first career job and she moved from a school out of state. There was a lot of outside pressure on the relationship. It has only been 6 or 7 months now and we have done a small amount of dating (others), but we can't get away from each other. We have been able to solve some of our problems and talk (more productively) about the others. We both do okay in the dating world, but for the first time I have been single and have little desire to be with or date others. I always think about her! Is this possibly to mend? Have we given this enough time? I don't understand how I could feel this way if it is not meant to be. Any and all advice is appreciated.

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maybe all you needed was a little break and a reality check of what other people are like. it sounds like it could become a mendable situation. my advice would be to continue as you are now, don't jump the gun. let things roll smoothly by just being yourself, try not to get too caught up in emotions because you won't be able to think the situation out rationally. i'd say just keep on the path that you're on now & see where it leads.

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one thing i have to say to badkitty is...thank you Iowa for producing the greatest band ever...Slipknot.


Now to answer your problem. i think that you tw have maintained a friendship status for too long and are starting to have really strong feelings for each other. You need to express these feelings to her and show how you feel to her in any way possible.

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Welcome to eNotAlone! Glad you decided to post after doing some reading...it sure can help us expand our way of thinking, don't you agree?


It sounds like the two of you make a great couple and your careers are on the move...maybe it was just a matter of the timing being a bit off, include the outside pressures, some adjustments to living together, late hours on a new job, & she might not have had time to make new friends yet...etc., could have played a part in the split.


You're post sounds positive in the fact that it sounds like you're talking fairly regularly . Plus, your talking & sharing your thoughts about the problems and/or solutions. I think you're 6-7 month split and casual dating has made you both realize (or confirm) each other's special qualities. Special people who touch are lives in the real sense of love don't come around often. Your feeling that love if whoever you date, ..no matter how special they are, all you can do is think of her (or vise versa). That's a good thing...it sounds like you're off to a great start.


Hope it works out for both of you,

let us know



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