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Hey, just wondering where I can find Spermicides, because I've looked at a few pharamcy here in Sydney Australia and they don't have any, the closest I've found was the condom with that nonoxynol-9 but then I heard that isn't effective (that condom has 28mg of N-9, is that good enough?).


Also, what else does lubricant do besides making it slippery for the penis to easily insert into the vagina? I mean, water base condoms are harder to break (or so I am told), so does applying lubrican to the condom make it water based?


And can you please give me some brand names and if possible links to spermicide products? I've looked at link removed and they only gave me condoms with spermicide.[/i][/b]

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Thanks... but here in Australia, Spermicides are non-existent... no one uses them anymore...


However, a month ago, I used a condom which contained N-9 lubricated onto it. A month later, I checked pharamcies and they don't sell that anymore. I read that N-9 has been the cause of great debate. Now some sites are saying don't use it, and some sites are saying even though there's all these problems with it, you can still use it.


Now is it safe to use that condom which is lubricated with N-9?

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