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One method to stop cutting that doesnt work...at all

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i read in another room earlier about advice to stop cutting and this one person told the cutter to take all the sharp objects, razors, knives away from the spot that they usually cut in and completely despose of them. Im sorry to say...but that tactic is completely worthless. most people that are...addicted...to cutting, can always find something to cut with. even if their surroundings are filled with things that are impossible to break to get a sharp edge, the human nail will always be at-hand. [pun somewhat intended].


I am still looking for a possible way to stop cutting, but ive gotten to the point where i just dont care anymore that i do it. but i did try that way ... and it failed. just wanted to let u all know

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Of course it can fail, but anything will if you don't really want to stop what ever it is you are addicted to. YOU have to want to stop cutting yourself in order for this to work. I still find myself wanting to cut myself sometimes but because I don't want to get back into it I have taken away all objects in my room that could be used to cut (I keep my nails short by the way!).

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I agree with Hanibal.If you are set in your mind that you want to stop cutting then you will seek help for stopping.If you dont care and u dont want to stop then you are not going to stop.An addiction like cutting is justlike any other addiction.You can have ppl help you but in the end stopping is your decision.Your friends can open the door, you choose whether to walk through that door or not.



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i do not cut nor know anyone who does, but i think that it is all a mind-set, that because someone has done something to hurt you, you have to hurt yourself, it is a way to coverup the pain that someone has caused you... hence search yourself and find that original pain and conquer it.... as you said it probably does not help to take away the knife and etc, but it will help to find the source of the pain and try and take it away....


'strength and honor'-- find the strength to prevail and stop cutting, and have to honor not to hurt ourself....


I hope you the best, and hope you find a solution to the problem or cutting (if what i said did not help)....

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please don't. it's not worth it. you're missing out on so much. it doesnt seem like it now but it's true. you're special and you can be strong enough to beat this and itll be so worth it. i know you don't know me, but please trust that. suicide (and cutting, etc.) is not a subject to be taken lightly. it's scary and i've recenetly dealt with it personally. if you or anyone you know ever considers it, please reconsider. life is too precious and there are other ways to cope; it solves nothing. please keep this in mind and remember that the dark clouds will lift. you are not alone, remember that. this too shall pass and you will see that. get a hobby, hang with friends, make some friends, listen to music, watch good movies, anything that will make you happy, its out there. contact me if you want, take care


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as a former cutter i know its hard to stop, and that it's so confusing when you do it, it feels right but yet you know that it is wrong so my way of stoppign that worked for me was to put rubber bands around your wrist (not tight) and snap them eveytime you feel your self wanting to cut it hurts for a second, enought to realize that cutting is bad and instead of that pinch there could have been blood...


sorry if i didnt help, but plz try it just might work




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