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Human Discrace

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Human Discrace


i am so sick and tired

of putting on a happy face

for you to live my life

i know im nothing but a discrace


hallow happy faces

and head trauma

beautiful red discrace on my wrist

ending my life ending this drama


i am a human discrace so ungrateful

this life has given me so much to take away

im motionless in the mirror

and i bleed onto the floor and die today


you stood there and stared

you watched me scream and cry

now please dont feel bad

as you are forced to watch me bleed and die


you never accepted me

not even for who i tried to be

i dont want to be like anyone else

i dont even want to be me


forget you know me

allow me to die

forget that i exist

forget me all and never cry



i can write again but im not sure if this is any good please oppinions needed.


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i liked it, i mean you certainly versed it well, and lines fit well with each other, i thought it as pretty well thought out and had a lot of meaning. it seemed pretty heartfelt and as if it was something once not wanting to realise and now realised all too much, if that makes sense?


still it was a ok poem in my perspective.


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